The Sword&Scoundrel Fightreels
Sword&Scoundrel HQ,
The Grainstore Studio, Kent.
Dates to be confirmed with numbers.
Proof of eligibility for discounted fee required via email (memberships)
Please be aware of the physical nature of this event, and inform via email of any limitations or restrictions that may impact your involvement on the day.
5% Discount available to Equity or ACTT Members.
10% Discount available to Sword&Scoundrel Members.
(only one Discount may be used)
Please Complete PROMO COUPON to use any membership Discounts (at Checkout).
Price includes online Transaction Fee held by the online services provider.
For further details please contact us at
On completion of purchase, please contact the above to state whether this is for you or for another (Gift, etc), and we can log the your/the participant's details for the course.
For Advanced performers - 2 different scenes, in two weapon disciplines, fully costumed, professionally choreographed, filmed, and edited. All filmed on location in Kent, starting at the Unit base.